The Serb List with Bakoyannis: The Serbs in Kosovo are in the worst position since 1999


Nov 4, 2023.
 Posted by  Balkan Periscope - Hellas

A delegation from the Serb List led by President Prof. Dr. Zlatan Elek and Vice President Dr. Dragisa Milovic had a meeting today in Kosovska Mitrovica with the rapporteur of the Council of Europe, Dora Bakoyannis, where they pointed out the difficult position of the Serbs in Kosovo.

During the meeting, as stated in the Serb List's press release, the discussion revolved around the situation of the Serbs in Kosovo.

The representatives of the Serb List pointed out that Serbs in this area had found themselves in the worst position since 1999, a direct consequence of the anti-Serb actions of the Albin Kurti regime. They emphasized that the human rights of the Serbs were under threat due to the institutional repression that our citizens had endured for over two years.

Daily attacks on the Serbs, the Serbian Orthodox Church, property seizures, beatings, and mistreatment of the Serbs, along with the prohibition of importing goods and medicines, are jeopardizing the vital interests of the Serbs, the Serb List representatives emphasized.

They presented dozens of examples of blatant violations of the rights of the Serbs by the Albin Kurti regime, which was met with silence from the international community, which is entirely unacceptable as it endangers the survival of the Serbs in Kosovo.

Kosovo Online
